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2020/06/12  点击:[]

李海,男,博士/副教授(硕导),现任教于山东工商学院信息与电子工程学院。20147月获北京理工大学凝聚态物理专业博士学位,主要研究方向为量子信息与量子统计热力学。2016至2018年于中科院理论物理研究所从事博士后研究工作。近期感兴趣的研究有: 微纳量子电池、量子小系统热传输与热循环理论量子物理基础问题(如量子相干/纠缠及其应用、量子测量与控制等)、分子马达理论以及量子算法应用等。近年来,先后于Annals of Physics、Phys. Rev. E、Phys. Rev. A等国际著名SCI期刊发表学术论文20篇,主持完成国家自然基金、山东省自然基金和山东省高校科技项目各1项;参研完成国家自然基金和山东省自然基金项目各2项。现为烟台市助力烟台新旧动能转换专家组成员;获首批山东工商学院凤凰人才“青年才俊”荣誉称号。目前,课题组有在读硕士研究生3人,欢迎热爱科研量子物理感兴趣的同学加入!




2.主持山东省自然基金,项目编号ZR2013AQ013, 基于量子反馈控制的量子热力学循环的性能研究,2014-01至2016-12


4.参与国家自然科学基金,项目编号11274043,考虑系统环境初始关联的量子反馈控制研究,2013-01至 2016-12



1. Li H, Zou J, Li J-G, Shao B, Wu L-A, Revisiting the quantum Szilard engine with fully quantum considerations, Annals of Physics (NY), 327, 2955-2971, (2012).    

2. Li H, Zou J, Yu W-L, Xu B-M, Li J- G, and Shao B, Quantum coherence rather than quantum correlations reflect the effects of a reservoir on a system’s work capability, Phys. Rev. E, 89: 052132, 1-11, (2014).    

3. Li H, Zou J, Yu W-L, Li L, Xu B-M, and Shao B, Negentropy as a source of efficiency: a nonequilibrium quantum Otto cycle, Eur. Phys. J. D, 67: 134, 1-10, ( 2013).    

4. Xu B-M, Zou J, Li H, Li J-G, and Shao B. Effect of radio frequency fields on the radical pair magneto reception model, Phys. Rev. E,90: 042711, (2014).    

5. Guo L-S, Xu B-M, Zou J, Wang C-Q, Li H, Li J-G, and, Shao B, Discriminating two nonorthogonal states against a noise channel by feed-forward control, Phys. Rev. A, 91: 022321, (2015).

6. Yu Chen, Jian Zou, Zi-Yi Yang, Longwu Li, Hai Li, Bin ShaoQuantum Fisher information of the GHZ state due to classical phase noise lasers under non-Markovian environment, 371:379-397 Annals of Physics (2016).  

7. Lei Li, Jian Zou, Hai Li, Jun-Gang Li, Yuan-Mei Wang and Bin Shao, Controlling energy ux into a spatially correlated environment via quantum coherence, Eur. Phys. J. D, 71: 62 (2017).  

8. Lei Li, Jian Zou, Hai Li, Bao-Ming Xu, Yuan-Mei Wang, and Bin Shao, Effect of coherence of nonthermal reservoirs on heat transport in a microscopic collision model, Phys. Rev. E 97, 022111 (2018) .

9.李海,邹健,邵彬,陈雨,华臻,库的量子关联相干辅助系统能量提取研究物理学报 68 (4): 040201 (2019).


上一条:刘燕丽博士 下一条:李美花副教授


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